# Class: Clock

A representation of network time.

All members of Clock start from 0 upon network boot.

# Table of contents

# Constructors

# Accessors

# Methods

# Constructors

# constructor

new Clock(slot, epochStartTimestamp, epoch, leaderScheduleEpoch, unixTimestamp)

# Parameters

Name Type Description
slot bigint The current Slot.
epochStartTimestamp bigint The timestamp of the first Slot in this Epoch.
epoch bigint The current epoch.
leaderScheduleEpoch bigint The future Epoch for which the leader schedule has most recently been calculated.
unixTimestamp bigint The approximate real world time of the current slot.

# Defined in

internal.d.ts:225 (opens new window)

# Accessors

# epoch

get epoch(): bigint

The current epoch.

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:230 (opens new window)

set epoch(val): void

# Parameters

Name Type
val bigint

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:231 (opens new window)

# epochStartTimestamp

get epochStartTimestamp(): bigint

The timestamp of the first Slot in this Epoch.

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:233 (opens new window)

set epochStartTimestamp(val): void

# Parameters

Name Type
val bigint

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:234 (opens new window)

# leaderScheduleEpoch

get leaderScheduleEpoch(): bigint

The future Epoch for which the leader schedule has most recently been calculated.

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:236 (opens new window)

set leaderScheduleEpoch(val): void

# Parameters

Name Type
val bigint

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:237 (opens new window)

# slot

get slot(): bigint

The current Slot.

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:227 (opens new window)

set slot(val): void

# Parameters

Name Type
val bigint

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:228 (opens new window)

# unixTimestamp

get unixTimestamp(): bigint

The approximate real world time of the current slot.

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:239 (opens new window)

set unixTimestamp(val): void

# Parameters

Name Type
val bigint

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:240 (opens new window)

# Methods

# toString

toString(): string

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:241 (opens new window)