# Class: EpochSchedule

Configuration for epochs and slots.

# Table of contents

# Constructors

# Accessors

# Constructors

# constructor

new EpochSchedule(slotsPerEpoch, leaderScheduleSlotOffset, warmup, firstNormalEpoch, firstNormalSlot)

# Parameters

Name Type Description
slotsPerEpoch bigint -
leaderScheduleSlotOffset bigint -
warmup boolean Whether epochs start short and grow.
firstNormalEpoch bigint -
firstNormalSlot bigint -

# Defined in

internal.d.ts:306 (opens new window)

# Accessors

# firstNormalEpoch

get firstNormalEpoch(): bigint

The first epoch after the warmup period.

Basically: log2(slots_per_epoch) - log2(MINIMUM_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH).

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:324 (opens new window)

set firstNormalEpoch(val): void

# Parameters

Name Type
val bigint

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:325 (opens new window)

# firstNormalSlot

get firstNormalSlot(): bigint

The first slot after the warmup period.

Basically: MINIMUM_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * (2.pow(first_normal_epoch) - 1).

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:331 (opens new window)

set firstNormalSlot(val): void

# Parameters

Name Type
val bigint

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:332 (opens new window)

# leaderScheduleSlotOffset

get leaderScheduleSlotOffset(): bigint

A number of slots before beginning of an epoch to calculate a leader schedule for that epoch.

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:314 (opens new window)

set leaderScheduleSlotOffset(val): void

# Parameters

Name Type
val bigint

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:315 (opens new window)

# slotsPerEpoch

get slotsPerEpoch(): bigint

The maximum number of slots in each epoch.

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:308 (opens new window)

set slotsPerEpoch(val): void

# Parameters

Name Type
val bigint

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:309 (opens new window)

# warmup

get warmup(): boolean

Whether epochs start short and grow.

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:317 (opens new window)

set warmup(val): void

# Parameters

Name Type
val boolean

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:318 (opens new window)