# Class: StakeHistoryEntry

# Table of contents

# Constructors

# Accessors

# Methods

# Constructors

# constructor

new StakeHistoryEntry(effective, activating, deactivating)

# Parameters

Name Type Description
effective bigint effective stake at this epoch
activating bigint sum of portion of stakes not fully warmed up
deactivating bigint -

# Defined in

internal.d.ts:433 (opens new window)

# Accessors

# activating

get activating(): bigint

sum of portion of stakes not fully warmed up

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:438 (opens new window)

set activating(val): void

# Parameters

Name Type
val bigint

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:439 (opens new window)

# deactivating

get deactivating(): bigint

requested to be cooled down, not fully deactivated yet

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:441 (opens new window)

set deactivating(val): void

# Parameters

Name Type
val bigint

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:442 (opens new window)

# effective

get effective(): bigint

effective stake at this epoch

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:435 (opens new window)

set effective(val): void

# Parameters

Name Type
val bigint

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:436 (opens new window)

# Methods

# toString

toString(): string

# Returns


# Defined in

internal.d.ts:443 (opens new window)