# Class: LiteSVM
The main class in the litesvm library.
Use this to send transactions, query accounts and configure the runtime.
# Table of contents
# Constructors
# Properties
# Methods
- addProgram
- addProgramFromFile
- airdrop
- expireBlockhash
- getAccount
- getBalance
- getClock
- getEpochRewards
- getEpochSchedule
- getLastRestartSlot
- getRent
- getSlotHashes
- getSlotHistory
- getStakeHistory
- getTransaction
- latestBlockhash
- minimumBalanceForRentExemption
- sendTransaction
- setAccount
- setClock
- setEpochRewards
- setEpochSchedule
- setLastRestartSlot
- setRent
- setSlotHashes
- setSlotHistory
- setStakeHistory
- simulateTransaction
- warpToSlot
- withBlockhashCheck
- withBuiltins
- withComputeBudget
- withFeatureSet
- withLamports
- withLogBytesLimit
- withPrecompiles
- withSigverify
- withSplPrograms
- withSysvars
- withTransactionHistory
- default
# Constructors
# constructor
• new LiteSVM()
Create a new LiteSVM instance with standard functionality enabled
# Defined in
index.ts:94 (opens new window)
# Properties
# inner
• Private
inner: LiteSvm
# Defined in
index.ts:98 (opens new window)
# Methods
# addProgram
▸ addProgram(programId
, programBytes
): void
Adds am SBF program to the test environment.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
programId | PublicKey | The program ID. |
programBytes | Uint8Array | The raw bytes of the compiled program. |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.ts:306 (opens new window)
# addProgramFromFile
▸ addProgramFromFile(programId
, path
): void
Adds an SBF program to the test environment from the file specified.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
programId | PublicKey | The program ID. |
path | string | The path to the .so file. |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.ts:297 (opens new window)
# airdrop
▸ airdrop(address
, lamports
): TransactionMetadata
| FailedTransactionMetadata
Airdrops the lamport amount specified to the given address.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
address | PublicKey | The airdrop recipient. |
lamports | bigint | The amount to airdrop. |
# Returns
| FailedTransactionMetadata
The transaction result.
# Defined in
index.ts:285 (opens new window)
# expireBlockhash
▸ expireBlockhash(): void
Expires the current blockhash.
The return value of latestBlockhash()
will be different after calling this.
# Returns
# Defined in
index.ts:357 (opens new window)
# getAccount
▸ getAccount(address
): AccountInfoBytes
Return the account at the given address. If the account is not found, None is returned.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
address | PublicKey | The account address to look up. |
# Returns
The account object, if the account exists.
# Defined in
index.ts:230 (opens new window)
# getBalance
▸ getBalance(address
): bigint
Gets the balance of the provided account address.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
address | PublicKey | The account address. |
# Returns
The account's balance in lamports.
# Defined in
index.ts:255 (opens new window)
# getClock
▸ getClock(): Clock
Get the cluster clock.
# Returns
the clock object.
# Defined in
index.ts:374 (opens new window)
# getEpochRewards
▸ getEpochRewards(): EpochRewards
Get the EpochRewards sysvar.
# Returns
the EpochRewards object.
# Defined in
index.ts:390 (opens new window)
# getEpochSchedule
▸ getEpochSchedule(): EpochSchedule
Get the EpochSchedule sysvar.
# Returns
the EpochSchedule object.
# Defined in
index.ts:406 (opens new window)
# getLastRestartSlot
▸ getLastRestartSlot(): bigint
Get the last restart slot sysvar.
# Returns
the last restart slot.
# Defined in
index.ts:422 (opens new window)
# getRent
▸ getRent(): Rent
Get the cluster rent.
# Returns
The rent object.
# Defined in
index.ts:438 (opens new window)
# getSlotHashes
▸ getSlotHashes(): SlotHash
Get the SlotHashes sysvar.
# Returns
The SlotHash array.
# Defined in
index.ts:454 (opens new window)
# getSlotHistory
▸ getSlotHistory(): SlotHistory
Get the SlotHistory sysvar.
# Returns
The SlotHistory object.
# Defined in
index.ts:470 (opens new window)
# getStakeHistory
▸ getStakeHistory(): StakeHistory
Get the StakeHistory sysvar.
# Returns
The StakeHistory object.
# Defined in
index.ts:486 (opens new window)
# getTransaction
▸ getTransaction(signature
): TransactionMetadata
| FailedTransactionMetadata
Gets a transaction from the transaction history.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
signature | Uint8Array | The transaction signature bytes |
# Returns
| FailedTransactionMetadata
The transaction, if it is found in the history.
# Defined in
index.ts:273 (opens new window)
# latestBlockhash
▸ latestBlockhash(): string
Gets the latest blockhash. Since LiteSVM doesn't have blocks, this is an arbitrary value controlled by LiteSVM
# Returns
The designated latest blockhash.
# Defined in
index.ts:264 (opens new window)
# minimumBalanceForRentExemption
▸ minimumBalanceForRentExemption(dataLen
): bigint
Calculates the minimum balance required to make an account with specified data length rent exempt.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
dataLen | bigint | The number of bytes in the account. |
# Returns
The required balance in lamports
# Defined in
index.ts:220 (opens new window)
# sendTransaction
▸ sendTransaction(tx
): TransactionMetadata
| FailedTransactionMetadata
Processes a transaction and returns the result.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
tx | Transaction | VersionedTransaction | The transaction to send. |
# Returns
| FailedTransactionMetadata
TransactionMetadata if the transaction succeeds, else FailedTransactionMetadata
# Defined in
index.ts:315 (opens new window)
# setAccount
▸ setAccount(address
, account
): void
Create or overwrite an account, subverting normal runtime checks.
This method exists to make it easier to set up artificial situations that would be difficult to replicate by sending individual transactions. Beware that it can be used to create states that would not be reachable by sending transactions!
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
address | PublicKey | The address to write to. |
account | AccountInfoBytes | The account object to write. |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.ts:246 (opens new window)
# setClock
▸ setClock(clock
): void
Overwrite the clock sysvar.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
clock | Clock | The clock object. |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.ts:382 (opens new window)
# setEpochRewards
▸ setEpochRewards(rewards
): void
Overwrite the EpochRewards sysvar.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
rewards | EpochRewards | The EpochRewards object. |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.ts:398 (opens new window)
# setEpochSchedule
▸ setEpochSchedule(schedule
): void
Overwrite the EpochSchedule sysvar.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
schedule | EpochSchedule | The EpochSchedule object. |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.ts:414 (opens new window)
# setLastRestartSlot
▸ setLastRestartSlot(slot
): void
Overwrite the last restart slot sysvar.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
slot | bigint | The last restart slot. |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.ts:430 (opens new window)
# setRent
▸ setRent(rent
): void
Overwrite the rent sysvar.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
rent | Rent | The new rent object. |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.ts:446 (opens new window)
# setSlotHashes
▸ setSlotHashes(hashes
): void
Overwrite the SlotHashes sysvar.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
hashes | SlotHash [] | The SlotHash array. |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.ts:462 (opens new window)
# setSlotHistory
▸ setSlotHistory(history
): void
Overwrite the SlotHistory sysvar.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
history | SlotHistory | The SlotHistory object |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.ts:478 (opens new window)
# setStakeHistory
▸ setStakeHistory(history
): void
Overwrite the StakeHistory sysvar.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
history | StakeHistory | The StakeHistory object |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.ts:494 (opens new window)
# simulateTransaction
▸ simulateTransaction(tx
): FailedTransactionMetadata
| SimulatedTransactionInfo
Simulates a transaction
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
tx | Transaction | VersionedTransaction | The transaction to simulate |
# Returns
| SimulatedTransactionInfo
SimulatedTransactionInfo if simulation succeeds, else FailedTransactionMetadata
# Defined in
index.ts:336 (opens new window)
# warpToSlot
▸ warpToSlot(slot
): void
Warps the clock to the specified slot. This is a convenience wrapper
around setClock()
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
slot | bigint | The new slot. |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.ts:366 (opens new window)
# withBlockhashCheck
▸ withBlockhashCheck(check
): LiteSVM
Enables or disables transaction blockhash checking.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
check | boolean | If false, the blockhash check will be skipped |
# Returns
The modified LiteSVM instance
# Defined in
index.ts:133 (opens new window)
# withBuiltins
▸ withBuiltins(): LiteSVM
Adds the standard builtin programs. Use withFeatureSet
beforehand to change change what builtins are added.
# Returns
The modified LiteSVM instance
# Defined in
index.ts:161 (opens new window)
# withComputeBudget
▸ withComputeBudget(budget
): LiteSVM
Set the compute budget
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
budget | ComputeBudget | The new compute budget |
# Returns
The modified LiteSVM instance
# Defined in
index.ts:113 (opens new window)
# withFeatureSet
▸ withFeatureSet(featureSet
): LiteSVM
Set the FeatureSet used by the VM instance.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
featureSet | FeatureSet | The FeatureSet to use. |
# Returns
The modified LiteSVM instance
# Defined in
index.ts:152 (opens new window)
# withLamports
▸ withLamports(lamports
): LiteSVM
Changes the initial lamports in LiteSVM's airdrop account.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
lamports | bigint | The number of lamports to set in the airdrop account |
# Returns
The modified LiteSVM instance
# Defined in
index.ts:171 (opens new window)
# withLogBytesLimit
▸ withLogBytesLimit(limit?
): LiteSVM
Set a limit for transaction logs, beyond which they will be truncated.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
limit? | bigint | The limit in bytes. If null, no limit is enforced. |
# Returns
The modified LiteSVM instance
# Defined in
index.ts:201 (opens new window)
# withPrecompiles
▸ withPrecompiles(): LiteSVM
Adds the standard precompiles. Use withFeatureSet
beforehand to change change what builtins are added.
# Returns
The modified LiteSVM instance
# Defined in
index.ts:210 (opens new window)
# withSigverify
▸ withSigverify(sigverify
): LiteSVM
Enable or disable sigverify
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
sigverify | boolean | if false, transaction signatures will not be checked. |
# Returns
The modified LiteSVM instance
# Defined in
index.ts:123 (opens new window)
# withSplPrograms
▸ withSplPrograms(): LiteSVM
Adds the standard SPL programs.
# Returns
The modified LiteSVM instance
# Defined in
index.ts:180 (opens new window)
# withSysvars
▸ withSysvars(): LiteSVM
Sets up the standard sysvars.
# Returns
The modified LiteSVM instance
# Defined in
index.ts:142 (opens new window)
# withTransactionHistory
▸ withTransactionHistory(capacity
): LiteSVM
Changes the capacity of the transaction history.
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
capacity | bigint | How many transactions to store in history. Set this to 0 to disable transaction history and allow duplicate transactions. |
# Returns
The modified LiteSVM instance
# Defined in
index.ts:191 (opens new window)
# default
▸ Static
default(): LiteSVM
Create a new LiteSVM instance with minimal functionality enabled